Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Hard are the ways

that people have to walk on this earth.
Desert trails, marsh trails, mountain trails.
Why must there be so much bitterness
before one loses in the desert,
sink in the swamp
or crash from the rocks?
Where are the little flower girls,
where are the little fairy princesses,
leaving traces that growing roses from them,
where are the creatures
which would sprinkle flowers on the hard way."
(google translator o_O)

"Težka so pota,
ki jih morajo ljudje prepotovati na tej zemlji.
Puščavske steze, močvirske steze, gorske steze.
Čemu mora biti toliko bridkosti
preden se ne izgubi v puščavi,
se ne pogrezne v močvirje
ali ne strmoglavi s skale?
Kje so majhne cvetne deklice,
kje so majhne pravljične kraljične,
ki zapuščajo sledove,
da rasto iz njih vrtnice,
kje so bitja,
ki bi potresala rože na težka pota?"

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